Jun 022011

“I remember when I was a new devotee, Patita Pavana Prabhu came to my room one time and said that he had heard Srila Prabhupada say that in the beginning Krishna had sent him a few good men. And I remember thinking, ‘I would like to be one of those men. I would like to be an effective instrument in the hands of my spiritual master.’ One of our acharyas, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, said that he would not be still until all the fourteen worlds were chanting Hare Krishna. So, these are the dreams of our acharyas, and we are their servants, and in order to accomplish their will, we have to be effective instruments in the hands of our spiritual masters. Actually, as disciples of our gurus we consider ourselves only instruments of their goodwill. Because they desire only good fortune for the people of this world, it is our good fortune if we can assist them in any way.” — Indradyumna Swami

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